Bonus: Felicity and Fat Bastard
So this exists now. You're welcome, internet. I don't think I've ever been 'bothered' with how well a piece came out until now. Not to say it's perfect, but I think it looks far better than it has any right to. And Felicity even kinda looks like Felicity. Normally I'm absolutely terrible at making characters based off real people, but here I think it sort of... worked. I like how Fat Bastard looks. Not in the sense that he looks like the character, since he definitely doesn't have the right physique, but I think he's got that Ao Oni quality of just looking interesting by virtue of how strange his body is. Of course, the real fat bastard had giant, saggy man-tits and multiple chins, which isn't something that can be replicated in HS2, unfortunately. At least, not as far as I know. This is probably one of few times when my version of a character can't even TOUCH the original in terms of how disgusting they are. The actual Fat Bastard scene...