
Showing posts from December 3, 2021

Obligatory Mascot Character Time

  So, I guess it’s finally that time. It’s completely unnecessary to do, but whatever. I might as well have a mascot character. This is Vertica. Say ‘hi’, Vertica. Alright, Vertica, calm down. Nobody likes a kiss ass. Now quiet down and let me finish this post. People are gonna get bored and click away if it's just you yammering about nothing. So anyway, I’m not sure why I made a mascot character. I guess I was tired of the old, generic background and figured the blog needed some more personality. Not really thrilled with her design, but it’s just kind of what I came up with. I tried to add some flair where I could, but overall she’s kind of… plain looking I think. Which is weird because she’s pretty much exactly how I pictured her, but… eh. Whatever.  Also, she’s not that cute. No you can't, you can read the words I'm writing. So you can SEE me, smart one. Now shut up, flatty. Yeah, and a good mascot character would pull it off. You have the chest of a middle school girl a...

Bonus: Lily from Duolingo

  Okay, so here's a weird one. It's four pages because... well, let's face it, it's basically a meme. It's a character from a language learning app. I may as well make porn of a moemorphed Rosetta Stone. I didn't want to do a full comic with a proper male lead or anything since that would just be kind of a waste of effort. I used Duolingo for a little while during lockdown, but just sort of... stopped, eventually. Still, while I was using it I liked Lily. 'Tsundere goth girl' is always a winning archetype in my book.  I'm almost bothered with how well she came out, not because she just looks HEAPS like her cartoon counterpart, but because she's really freaking cute. It kind of bothers me that I can't do more with her, but I really have no interest in it. I guess if I get really bored or run out of stuff to do or something I can just release a bunch of pics of her getting fucked. We'll see. I think it's fun to do really random/obscu...