
Showing posts from November 20, 2021

Visual Novel Update: 11/20/21

  Well, here's something for you. Sort of. I mean, it's not really anything, actually, but it's something. Sort of. Anyway... Work on VerticalQuest has slowed a little bit. I'm obviously still working on it, but I'm shifting a bit to a NEW Visual Novel that I'm hoping I can get out much sooner. I spent all day plugging away at it and... it's coming along. It's a lot more simple, with basically - like - three endings or so. Basically designed to be played through in its entirety each time, instead of played in installments. It's a story that definitely COULD have been a comic, but I felt was a little too complicated and had a few too many options and possible outcomes. I think Kanako (the female lead, pictured above) might be the prettiest girl I've designed, honestly. And I'm speaking objectively, of course. You're free to like whoever you like and - honestly - she's a little vanilla for my tastes, but... she is just REALLY pretty. Li...

Short: Emily and Kaysen

  Full Story: Raws: Y'know, sometimes I feel like a pioneer. Most of the time not, but SOMETIMES I do. And right now is such a time. As far as I know there's no porn of Emily Wyatt on the internet. Or should I say there WAS no porn of her. This morning, that all changed. For those of you who don't know, Emily Wyatt is the female lead of the cult classic survival horror game Deadly Premonition. One part Silent Hill, one part Resident Evil, a plagiaristic-number of parts Twin Peaks and one part completely incompetent, Deadly Premonition is a game that managed to be so bad it was good. It's kind of like the Troll 2 of games, in that respect, though technically far better. And there aren't many games out there that are like that. Video games almost CAN'T be so bad they're good, since you can...

(Not so Short) Short: Gwen and Ezekiel

Full Story: RAWs: It's weird calling this a 'Short' when it's longer than my first two comics that weren't  shorts. So this was fun. This probably marks the end of the goth girls for a little while. I've only got one other from cartoons I used to watch who I could make and she's more 'punk' than 'goth' anyway. She's also from a much more obscure show. At least... I think. I think Gwen turned out alright. It could obviously be better, but I think it's recognizable as her and that's what matters. Then again, you could put that hair and outfit on a bear and it'd be recognizable, so maybe that doesn't mean anything. Picking her partner was kind of difficult, and a definite stumbling block for a while. There weren't really any guys on the show that sprang ...