
Showing posts from November 16, 2021

Hikariko and the Old Man

  Full Story: RAW PSDs: My SECOND comic ever. Exciting. I really like Hikariko's design. It's obviously very cutesy, but I think that can be fun once in a while. Also writing for a ditzy airhead is fun. Nitoru is the bad guy again and you'll notice Hikariko got his name wrong and called him Nitori. That was definitely, totally, 100% intentional and not a fuck up on my part. SHE got his name wrong. Probably my weakest story so far, in my opinion. It's just sort of... there. I dunno. It's not one I've come back to since, nor have I considered remaking it or making a follow-up. There's room, though. There's always room. Hikariko attends the same school as Mai. She's not great at academics, but pretty alright at sports and has a pretty big following on social media. At least, for a high sc...

Mai and the Old Man

  Full Story: Like an idiot, I deleted the PSDs for this one. Oh well.  So this was my first comic, and it was really fucking basic. Stagnant lighting, basic ass colors, stiff poses, etc., etc.. That being said, I still think there's something sort of 'pure' about it in a weird way. Probably just because it embodies all the shit I'm into in the most basic way.  I will undoubtedly do a remaster of this in the future and get better lighting/color, more pages and better choreography overall. I'm looking forward to doing that since I still like these two together and want to do a bit better job of pairing them up. Anyway, Nitoru is the janitor at Mai's school and followed her to the train station. When she ducked into a bathroom he saw an opportunity and seized it. Mai is your standard pretty, popular girl. Good grades, good at sports, fashionable, beautiful, nice to people, etc. Gen...

Cursed Comic

  I'm starting to think this comic is cursed. Not only was it causing my Studio to crash, now it's caused my whole computer to crash. And I still don't know what's causing any of it. It's really a bummer because it's a comic I'd love to get finished, but it's taking way longer than it should. Really, this should've been done like two weeks ago, but due to technical problems I haven't been able to get around to it. Anyway I'm over a hundred pages in so I can't exactly call it quits and I really don't wanna redo any of it.  But mark my words, I'll have it done in some form within the week!