Nanako and the Brat
Download Full Story: Well this one turned out longer than expected. For a little while I was thinking it might even be longer than Tomo and the Train Molester, but then it... wasn't. It came close, though! This was originally going to be sort of a tribute to Almarosso, who's one of my favorite artists. He does a lot of ugly shota work that I really, really like even if the art is kinda rough a lot of times. He's an excellent example of 'content over presentation', where maybe the doujins don't LOOK the best, but the story, characters and overall content is really, really good. Anyway, that's not really what this turned out to be. Part way through I decided to specifically make Daiki NOT a child, so that kinda throws the whole 'tribute' thing out the window. Daiki is really just a small, angry, sexually frustrated eighteen-year-old. I know he sort of seems to talk...