Visual Novel Update: 11/20/21

 Well, here's something for you. Sort of. I mean, it's not really anything, actually, but it's something. Sort of.


Work on VerticalQuest has slowed a little bit. I'm obviously still working on it, but I'm shifting a bit to a NEW Visual Novel that I'm hoping I can get out much sooner. I spent all day plugging away at it and... it's coming along.

It's a lot more simple, with basically - like - three endings or so. Basically designed to be played through in its entirety each time, instead of played in installments. It's a story that definitely COULD have been a comic, but I felt was a little too complicated and had a few too many options and possible outcomes.

I think Kanako (the female lead, pictured above) might be the prettiest girl I've designed, honestly. And I'm speaking objectively, of course. You're free to like whoever you like and - honestly - she's a little vanilla for my tastes, but... she is just REALLY pretty. Like damn. You'll see what I mean.

Anyway, this'll be a good, old story of a beta guy getting cucked to the absolute extreme. I'm really looking forward to finishing it and releasing it, but there's still a fair bit of work to be done. If I bust my ass, though, it could probably be released in some finished state in a few weeks.

I'll post the full game here first, of course.

Look forward to it!


  1. Unfortunately won't be able to download the game, as I told you I don't want my brother finding about stuff like this. Is there any other way that I could view the story? Maybe you can screenshot each ending and put them in folders on Gdrive, like ending A, ending B and ending C.

    1. Could do that. I'm planning on uploading it to different websites, but only having the main version available here. So you'll be able to get SOME of the endings, just not all of them. So I could screen cap all of them or, like, record footage of each ending and post it to pornhub and send you a link.
      When the time comes I'll figure something out.

    2. Oh alright, looking forward to when you finish this project!


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