Hikariko and the Old Man


Full Story: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1O8e9x-pXlUmF3bNm_VCrqILKQ4jrPON5/view?usp=sharing

RAW PSDs: https://drive.google.com/file/d/181CL4dB8-1YYOejQveolCW0Ktv9hdp28/view?usp=sharing

My SECOND comic ever. Exciting.

I really like Hikariko's design. It's obviously very cutesy, but I think that can be fun once in a while. Also writing for a ditzy airhead is fun. Nitoru is the bad guy again and you'll notice Hikariko got his name wrong and called him Nitori. That was definitely, totally, 100% intentional and not a fuck up on my part. SHE got his name wrong.

Probably my weakest story so far, in my opinion. It's just sort of... there. I dunno. It's not one I've come back to since, nor have I considered remaking it or making a follow-up. There's room, though. There's always room.

Hikariko attends the same school as Mai. She's not great at academics, but pretty alright at sports and has a pretty big following on social media. At least, for a high school girl. Her incident with Nitoru is a one-time thing, unlike Mai who has a full-on affair with him. After he had his fun with her, she got a bit more... promiscuous and started posting more risque things on her social media. That eventually snowballed into a full-on career of exploiting simps.

Not that I'm judging. It's a living.


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