Bonus: Lily from Duolingo


Okay, so here's a weird one. It's four pages because... well, let's face it, it's basically a meme. It's a character from a language learning app. I may as well make porn of a moemorphed Rosetta Stone. I didn't want to do a full comic with a proper male lead or anything since that would just be kind of a waste of effort.

I used Duolingo for a little while during lockdown, but just sort of... stopped, eventually. Still, while I was using it I liked Lily. 'Tsundere goth girl' is always a winning archetype in my book. 

I'm almost bothered with how well she came out, not because she just looks HEAPS like her cartoon counterpart, but because she's really freaking cute. It kind of bothers me that I can't do more with her, but I really have no interest in it.

I guess if I get really bored or run out of stuff to do or something I can just release a bunch of pics of her getting fucked. We'll see.

I think it's fun to do really random/obscure waifus, but there's a fine line between memes and accidentally shilling. If I really wanted to I could just do tons of waifus from commercials and ads and stuff, but I have no interest in basically giving huge corporations free advertising.

Obviously, it'd be super easy to make porn of Wendy or Samsung Sam or whoever, but that's probably exactly what those brands WANT people to do. And fuck that.

Remember, guys, the Wendy's twitter is not run by a cute, smug anime girl. It's most likely run by a bunch of dudes in suits who're just interested in selling burgers to people however they can. Don't simp for a fucking fastfood chain.

Anyway, rant over. All by way of saying, making characters like this is fun but I don't want to just advertise for some service or whatever. Duolingo is a bit different, but still dangerously close to 'simping for a corporation' in my book. Still, Lily's cute and it's kind of endearing how much character they build around cartoons who never really talk. And the app's goal is to teach people new languages, not increase their cholesterol levels sooo...


Duolingo memes are still kind of forced, in my opinion, though.


  1. Dude Samsung Sam has been done to death by now, also this one was pretty funny, well done. I think we've all used duolingo at some point, I used it to learn "Español" lol. Duolingo memes are pretty funny though considering the fact that the damn owl actually keeps reminding you to use the damn app like it's threatening you.

    1. Dude, you're back! I was starting to worry. I don't REALLY have much of a problem with Duolingo, I guess it's just the fact it's a service/product and not a video game/manga/whatever. And yeah, I'm sure there's plenty of porn of Samsung Sam out there. THAT'S ANOTHER THING, actually, I want to avoid making porn of characters who already have terabytes of Rule 34 dedicated to them. I think doing random, obscure characters is fun.

    2. Oh well I got a bit busy there and only now I remembered I forgot to check your blog for new stuff. And I agree with you there, though I'd love to see some things with the most classic characters like Samus Aran, Lara Croft, Jill Valentine, etc. Just givin' you ideas.


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