Single Image Story: Then and Now


Okay, just one more...

The only thing I love more than shotas getting ara ara'd is shotas growing up to be giga chads and marrying their onee-sans. 

That sentence was dangerously weeb-y. It gave me the weeby jeebies. 

Anyway, I find that stuff cute and wholesome and nice. I'll get back to work making more degenerate BBM/NTR/non-con porn now. I honestly don't WANT to make two completely different types of content because I don't want to have, like, two different kinds of fans. I'd prefer to just have one kind of degenerate following me around.

Buuut if I can make both kinds without too much hassle I... might? It's really hard making cute guys in HS2, so I usually end up using girl models for guys. For example, shota Kyousuke is a girl, technically, and Shouto from the last SIS is technically a girl.

It's just easier, but it's also more complicated, weirdly. Anyway, making vanilla porn isn't really my thing. My vanilla stuff will probably always be random, little page-or-two stories like this.


Happy 1st of December!


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