Tsukasa and her Coach Part One + Update


Link to Part One: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/95175993

So, things are changing a bit. I'm gonna be moving over to Pixiv and posting there more. I'll still keep this blog up, obviously, but mostly for content updates, polls, etc. etc. There'll probably still be exclusive content on here every now and then, but all the comics are going to be uploaded on Pixiv.

Why? Well, to be honest uploading them here is a freaking pain. I won't go into it too much, but the little 'slideshow' feature in posts is pretty excruciatingly time consuming to use since I need to click several times and wait several seconds to upload AN. IMAGE. With Pixiv it's just 'select all images and upload'. Soooo much faster. It was genuinely making me dread longer comics since uploading them could take - like - 45 minutes or something.

Due to file limits I'll be uploading longer parts in multiple pieces, hence why this is only fifty pages. I've got 84 in total done, but I'm gonna finish a few more before uploading the next part.

Anyway, this doesn't really change much, overall. Different site, same sort of stuff. 


This is the Christmas Comic! Tsukasa is the tan, strong-willed tomboy and her coach is the fat, old NTR guy. I was worried Tsukasa would look too butch with that haircut, but I think it works. Plus the other haircuts I was looking at would've just looked a lot more generic. And she's strong-willed, I figure giving her a masculine hairstyle fit.

Looking forward to getting to the lewds, because god damn is she pretty.


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